Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sorely Athirst

Let him who would know the truth of the Maker, become sorely athirst, and drink of the brook by the way - then lift up his heart -to the Inventor and Mediator of thirst and water, that man might foresee a little of what his soul might find in God.

George MacDonald

Notice the shape of the lakes in the above picture? I love that!

I was told by a friend, that I needed to blog about the stories behind The Well Project. It seemed wise. I'd love to get the word build funds for drilling wells. I didn't actually go to Africa. Michael, (my husband and vocalist on the album) and our friend, Andrew (the lead vocalist and musician) were the ones who were able to live that experience. But the experience that I have been able to watching Michael and Andrew come home changed men. Changed by the people, changed by the country, changed by God.

So here is one small story, relayed by these changed men.

We are priviledged to sponser a little girl named Mercy. Mercy is a spunky thing. You get that feel in her letters and Michael could tell by meeting her that she has an intelligence mixed with a strong dignity. We sponser Mercy so she can go to school. Her family cannot afford to send her to school. Mercy's mom is Christine. The stunning thing about Christine, is that in her poverty, she has begun a non-profit organization, Mercy Ministries, which provides milk to those in her village of Kapchorwa who cannot afford it. Christine and Mercy, along with the rest of their family, live in a hut with a dirt floor. Their clothes are clean but very worn. They have no luxuries. No luxuries. Barely enough to get by on. Yet they have something to offer. They provide milk to those who need it. I know I'm repeating myself. It is because I am truly in awe of such beauty.

In this economy, Michael and I have been talking finances - what can we cut? What luxuries do we afford ourselves that we can do without? There are some that are obvious. No more latte's, no more eating out, or buying clothes that are frivolous. But there are other things that feel like they have strings to my heart. Like, cutting the athletic club membership. Ouch. That hurts. I love that place. (Well, actually it is a love/hate relationship). Or not allowing ourselves to get a babysitter for date nights. These things I give up with a less than gracious heart. And the rub is this - I am only benefitting my family. I am giving up luxuries for food and necessaties so my family will not suffer. I am not like Christine who creates a non - profit for those in her community whose basic needs are not met. I do wonder, however, what do I have to offer? Needs are often physical, but at times it is poverty of heart that afflicts us more.

It may sound like I am beating myself up. I am not. God is not either. Thank goodness. But I am concious of the posture of my heart. As the above quote mentions, I want to become sorely athirst for Jesus. I know that what flows out of a heart athirst for Jesus is beauty like Christine's. I want the strings of my heart cut clean so that I willingly give up anything for Jesus.

O Inventor and Mediator of water that makes men thirst no more, come here into my heart. Flood me with thirst for you and teach me how to lift to you my heart. Let living your justice and being your Mercy be something that pours out me because I am in love with you. Amen.


  1. It is so important to talk about and remember these things! Keeps us from forgetting and overlooking all the luxeries that eat up our resources...the same resources that could do a lot more good for the sake of others! So, keep the posts coming! I know I need it!

  2. thanks, guys! thanks for checking out. love you!
